The Foundation only reviews grant proposals from applicants whose letter of inquiry has been approved. If your initial inquiry is selected to go forward, you will be asked to complete the process using the online grant application to create a new request. If you have submitted a written letter of inquiry in paper form, you will be asked to re-submit your initial inquiry online. The Foundation is encouraging the use of the online process to increase efficiency for both the grantee and the grantor. Written grant proposals may be submitted in special circumstances when an applicant cannot complete an online application.
The online grant application for the second stage of the process should be completed and submitted by the stated deadline. Proposals are evaluated based on their relationship to the Foundation’s mission, geographic limitations, policies, and eligibility guidelines; a proposal’s reflection of thoughtful and careful planning; the organization’s record of sound fiscal management; and the organization’s likelihood to meet its objectives.
The following attachments will be requested with the second stage grant application and are uploaded online or mailed or delivered to the Foundation separately:
The completed application form is signed by the Executive Director and the Board President/Chairman.
Letters of support from organizations involved in any collaborative projects.
A list of trustees or directors and corporate officers that includes their profession.
A project budget (revenue and expenses).
Current operating budget (revenue and expenses) for the entire organization.
Current year-to-date income and expense statement.
Latest available IRS Form 990 for requests in excess of $5,000.
Year-end financial statements for the most recently completed year. These statements should be independently audited or reviewed for requests in excess of $100,000 or more. The Foundation may request audited or reviewed statements on a case-by-case basis.
A proforma budget may be requested for some proposals.
Attachment Requirements
Any attachments other than those previously mentioned, such as descriptive program flyers or event photos, should relate specifically to the proposed grant request. Please do not send videos as attachments.
If you are providing hard copies of your attachments, please do not place them in a notebook or other type of binder. For any paper attachments for a grant application, please do not use a cover sheet announcing the next item, as this is a waste of paper. We recycle paper at the Foundation and discourage this practice.
The Foundation will acknowledge grant proposals as quickly as possible, usually within four weeks. Notification of Board action regarding a grant will take place within two weeks after the meeting at which the proposal is considered.
Site Visits
Site visits will be made at the discretion of the Foundation.
Grant Evaluation
The Cailloux Foundation requires grant recipients to measure their success in attaining grant objectives by completing an online final report form provided for each award. The evaluation should be completed and submitted within 30 days after the project ends or within 12 months after the funds have been received for program support. The Foundation will respond to evaluation reports as quickly as possible, usually within four weeks, with either a request for additional information or a notice that the grant is closed. Failure to supply an evaluation will seriously affect any future grants from the Foundation.